Submitted by Name: Matt Larson From: Utah E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hey Jamie! Somehow I came across this website and thought I'd say "hello". We played a few things together several years ago here in Utah (I'm the tall upright and electric bass player). I hope things are well and that maybe our musical paths can cross again someday in the not too distant future! Best of luck in all your good future endeavors! Matt Larson
Admin reply: Matt Great to hear from you. My email is Please write me there and send your phone number. You rock jamie
Added: February 11, 2025
Submitted by Name: Bryan Paradise From: New Jersey E-mail: Contact
Comments: Was just revisiting A Taste For Passion today and curious if you still keep in touch with Joaquin Lievan? My wife and I saw you play with Jean Luc at Central Park New York ( I know I got those pictures somewhere) back in the early 80's during the Mystical Adventure tour. First time my wife was ever speechless. :) Thanks for over 40 years of amazing music.
Admin reply: Hello Bryan Thanks very much for your message. We had a little trouble with the website ( guestbook) and I was unable to respond as quickly as I wanted to . I sent you an email from my personal email Please check your spam folder in case you didn't see it. Thanks very much for taking the time to write and for your support of the music. Jamie
Added: February 13, 2024
Submitted by Name: Steven Brener From: New York E-mail: Contact
Comments: Rock on, Jamie!
Added: October 17, 2017
Submitted by Name: Kimberly Alfred From: So. CA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi Jamie, You are Amazing! Thanks for keep us informed....
Added: October 17, 2017
Submitted by Name: Guest Book Test E-mail: Contact
Admin reply: HI Charlotte well I am very grateful that you stopped by and grateful for our friendship.
sending love jamie
Added: October 16, 2017
Submitted by Name: Scott Stewart From: New Franklin, Ohio E-mail: Contact
Comments: Got here from clicking on your pic on Facebook. I've recommended to some younger guitarists, that they should listen to you and and learn from you for improvising ideas and lessons. I've been a fan of yours since Wally (yes, that Wally) and I used to listen to JLP albums on vinyl together, dreaming about what it would be like to be in a band like that. Then there he was! I really like your phrasing in your solos. They just seem to make sense without needless flash, just really good musical thoughts. Take care.
Admin reply: HI Scott wowie ... it sure makes me feel good to read that you have enjoyed my work. Music is magnificent and I try to show it respect as much as I can. Thanks very much for coming by!!! all the best Jamie
Added: October 16, 2017
Submitted by Name: Bryan From: Maui, Hawaii E-mail: Contact
Comments: Aloha Jamie!
Admin reply: Bryan so cool to see you come visit here Hoping all is well with you
Name: Matt Larson
From: Utah
E-mail: Contact
Hey Jamie! Somehow I came across this website and thought I'd say "hello". We played a few things together several years ago here in Utah (I'm the tall upright and electric bass player). I hope things are well and that maybe our musical paths can cross again someday in the not too distant future! Best of luck in all your good future endeavors! Matt Larson
Admin reply: Matt
Great to hear from you.
My email is
Please write me there and send your phone number.
You rock