Submitted by Name: Kevin Ritchey From: Vancouver, Washington (Portland, Oregon) E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi there. Was just snooping around so I could become more familiar with the totality of your work efforts. Impressive. You show great breadth of knowledge and experience. Glad we connected if only on a minor level for you. Thanks for being so accommodating to one so lowly as myself. Never any worries and thank you. I'll be an echo in the background.
Admin reply: Kevin thanks so much . Much appreciated All the best jamie
Added: August 15, 2015
Submitted by Name: Joel Solon From: Oceanside, NY E-mail: Contact
Admin reply: Joel So nice to hear from you. I remember playing the Calderone and being so excited having grown up in West Hempstead. In fact no matter where in NY I played with Ponty , Lenny White or Manhattan Transfer it was always extra special to play in new york, from Carnegie Hall to Jones Beach. I'm sorry to hear of your dad's passing , but wow you had him a long time. My dad passed on my 30th birthday..actually on my birthday.( 1985) I surely miss him. I dont remember your dad and my godfather was a guy named Buddy Roniger but maybe I had more than 1. That would explain how fortunate Ive been. Feel free to friend me at facebook thank you Jamie
Added: May 13, 2015
Submitted by Name: Bob Bone From: Maryland E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi - Jamie, just wanted to thank you again for your contributions to this planet, through your music, your inspiration to work hard, your personality, and for your Jamie's Ark (house full of critters).
I am LOVING your sight-reading course, by the way, and am working diligently on getting my reading back up to commercial speed, with hopes of doing some piece work for TV and for artists looking for keyboard tracks.
If anyone reading this plays any instrument, I HIGHLY recommend Jamie's sight-reading course - very nicely put together. Not enough musicians read, and if you can, you can work.
I am looking forward to the APB album, and hope to see you guys if you make it to the DC area at some point.
Bob Bone
Admin reply: Rob
I surely appreciate your message and so glad that you are finding Turn It Up helpful. Reading for me was the key to a career that has been sustained, to meet amazing musicians across the globe and more.
I hope to meet you while I'm on tour and please stay in touch.
Added: March 1, 2015
Submitted by Name: Barbara Wells From: Saratoga Springs Utah E-mail: Contact
Comments: Jamie From the first night I met you I knew what a special person you were. From that night seeing the special gift of music you had and how amazing you are today never ceases to amaze me. I have a fond memories of the times I've seen you perform live and conversations after those performances. I want to thank you again for the many times you performed a benefit for me. You are very special person who has a beautiful gift. I am very blessed to have you part of my life. Stay young at heart. Thank you my friend.
Admin reply: Barbara Your message touches my heart deeply
thank you for being you and thanks for this message hugs
Added: March 1, 2015
Submitted by Name: Pamela From: Florida E-mail: Contact
Comments: love your music, your a fantastic artist and friend, love you xo .
Admin reply: Pamela I sure appreciate and love you too
thank you Jamie
Added: March 1, 2015
Submitted by Name: Al Solbjor From: Massachusetts E-mail: Contact
Comments: I'm loving what I've heard of the new JLP / Anderson band!
Admin reply: Al thanks so much for taking the time to come by here I too am enjoying the journey with APB and feel honored to be a part of it.
Sure hope to see you while we are "out"
thank you my talented friend Jamie
Added: March 1, 2015
Submitted by Name: Ronnie Reynolds From: Dallas Tx E-mail: Contact
Comments: Jamie,Keep up the great work you do,look forward to the new music in the bands that you're in,and the love for the animals you have.... Many Thanks...Ronnie
Admin reply: Ronnie
so wonderful of you to come by ...Thank you and thanks for being so cool
hugs Jamie
Added: March 1, 2015
Submitted by Name: Vicki Berming ham Thomson From: Marinette,Wisconsin E-mail: Contact
Comments: I'm so happy for you Jamie! I can't wait to hear about all the exciting thing you'll be doing!
Admin reply: Vicki
hey there. Thanks for always being such a good friend and so supportive
means a lot to me hugs jamie
Added: March 1, 2015
Submitted by Name: Ron Mullins From: Culpeper Virgina E-mail: Contact
Admin reply: HI there I responded by email hope you got that
all the best jamie
Added: February 11, 2015
Submitted by Name: Dan Durkin From: North Babylon NY E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hello Jamie, Been a JLPonty fan ever since my brother Bill brought home Imaginary Voyage to review to become a DJ @ Queens College. He became a systems analyst instead and bought the subsequent LPs and I as well. I remembered civilized evil being exceptionally good because it was lively thruout,and when I went to see Jon Anderson and R.Wakeman @ WMFair a few years ago I walked up to RW @ the hotel we were in and he said I can give it to Jon myself. I'm very greatful to Jon for all his mushy intelligent comforting songs and handed him a card saying I can make him sound better cause I know him well and sort of planted the seed for apband, do respond DD.
Admin reply: Hey Dan
Glad to see you are from N Babylon. My brother lived there for years and you probably know I grew up in West Hempstead and Merrick.
I sure appreciate that you like what we have done and I think you will be really happy with what we are creating with the Anderson Ponty band
We have a few weeks to go and then it goes to mix probably tour late May hope to see you then
Name: Kevin Ritchey
From: Vancouver, Washington (Portland, Oregon)
E-mail: Contact
Hi there. Was just snooping around so I could become more familiar with the totality of your work efforts. Impressive. You show great breadth of knowledge and experience. Glad we connected if only on a minor level for you. Thanks for being so accommodating to one so lowly as myself. Never any worries and thank you. I'll be an echo in the background.
Admin reply: Kevin
thanks so much . Much appreciated
All the best